I get home from work and there are
four answerphone messages (each increasing in abruptness) and a note saying our repaired bedroom tv was supposed to be delivered today, but no one was home. So I phone
"The Tech Guys" to ask what's going on.
"The delivery driver knocked on the front and back doors with no reply.""That's beceause no one was in, we didn't know the tv was coming."
"One of my colleagues spoke to someone this morning and arranged a delivery time.""Impossible."
"No, they phoned at around 8:30 and spoke to someone.""I'm telling you, that's impossible. I left for work at 4:45 am and my fincee would have left before 6:30 am."
"Oh, we sent you a letter informing you.""No, you didn't."
"Yes we did, dated the 17th September.""Oooohhhh, you mean the letter sitting in front of me, dated the 17th September, which clearly states;
'we regret to inform you (sounds as if someone's died, there's still time)
that the repair to your 26 inch LCD tv has not progressed.' Would that be the letter you are referring to?"
"Erm, yes.""O.K, so admitting that there's been a huge cock up from your end, when can we expect our tv?""It's been re-scheduled for monday the 24th September.""Can you give me a time slot?"
"No, one of our drivers will call.""Like they did this morning, right?"