Monday 15 January 2007

Charity Bastards

I'm all for charity, me. Only last weekend I gave some clothes to a charity for naked people. See "Sort Out". I also put loose change in those charity tubs.
But, while walking from work to the rail station (about 200 metres), I was approached by no less than 7 charity workers.
"Good afternoon sir, do you have a few moments?"
"Hello sir, do you have a minute?"
"Hi sir, can you spare a few seconds?"
"Et cetera, et-fucking-cetera"
First things first, calling me "sir" will not make me think "Wow, this person really respects me. Perhaps I should let them bore me for 5 minutes, then give them my bank details so they can debit my account."
Secondly, why do you need 10 people (I managed to dodge 3) from the same charity within such a small distance? It seems like you're ganging up on people.
"Excuse me wankers, kindly get out of my mother fucking way. I don't have a moment, minute or second in which I could allow you to bore and rob me!"

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