Sunday 28 December 2008

I Don't Want To Seem Ungrateful.......

For Christmas, the missus bought me a Sony PSP.
At first I was really made up and then I started to think about it.
Did I really need a PSP?
I can watch films and listen to music on my iPod, so the only function that appealed to me was the ability to game while on the move.
The other thing that made me think twice was the issue of games. Most games released on the PSP are also released on the PS3. Would I rather buy and play a game in High Definition on a 42 inch screen or in lesser quality on a small screen? No competition really.
So, I delicately told the missus that I was worried the PSP would go to waste and she agreed that we should take it back, refund it and use the money to buy my new espresso maker instead.
The only problem is that the espresso maker I wanted appears to have stopped being sold by everyone, so I'm currently presentless in a present filled world.
I'd better do some research on espresso makers.

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