Tuesday 20 January 2009

American Are We? Are We Fuck!

I am fucking livid at the moment.
Some of the people of this great nation have a serious fucking problem.
Any idea what I'm talking about?
No? Well, I'll tell you.
Barack Obama's inauguration.
Don't get me wrong, this is not an attack on the man himself.
Nor the U.S.ofA.
It's about the amount of people watching and talking about the inauguration itself.
Why? Why the fuck are you bothering? Are you American? Do you live in America? Are you related in any way to President Obama himself?
No, I didn't think so.
Did any of you watch Gordon Brown being sworn in as Prime Minister? Or how about the Queen's speech on Christmas day?
No, I didn't think so.
Sort your fucking lives out, show some pariotism.


Julian Meteor said...

I watched the inauguration and i did NOT watch the Queen's speech.
Get OVER it.
In CASE you hadn't noticed Mr Head-in-sand Barrack Obama is BLACK.

Shiny Demon said...

What's his colour got to do with anything? The fact he's black doesn't alter the fact that millions of brits would rather watch an American being sworn in than their own P.M or Queen.
If you want to be American, why don't you move over there?
What's wrong with being proud of your homeland?