Saturday 31 October 2009

That Really Fucking Hurt!!

This evening, as I was cashing up, I had an accident.
I bundled all my bank notes together and was about to bind them
together with an elastic band. I wound the band around once and as I
pulled it to wrap it around again, it snapped and flew into my left
eye. And when I say eye, I mean I felt it ping against my eyeball. It
stung like a motherfucker, I can tell you!
I don't remember my exact words, but 'fuck', 'fucking', 'shit',
'bollocks' and 'cunt' were all mentioned at some point.
Has anyone got the number for Injury Lawyers For You?

Sent from my iPhone


Eileen H said...

Sorry, I shouldn't laugh but that was the funniest thing I have ever read.

Don't know about getting a lawyer, it sounds like a self-inflicted injury to me.

You should get a risk assessment on the use of elastic bands ASAP.

Shiny Demon said...

I've been on at the company for years to issue us protective goggles.
Either that or to stop employing idiots!

Shiny Demon said...
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