Tuesday 29 December 2009

It's Over

Christmas that is.

I finished work at around 2pm on Christmas eve. I popped over to my mates house to exchange presents. And drink beer, obviously.

I made sure I arrived home by 7pm so I could see Matt before he went to bed. Matt had been suffering from a nasty cold, but he seemed to be perking up at the right time.

At 5:30 on Christmas morning, the missus tried to be clever. She went and got Matt and put him bed with us, thinking we'd all wake up together later in the morning. A nice idea, but she didn't take into account that moving him would wake him up. And he stayed up! So, up got the missus and Matt, while I stayed in bed till 7:30. Nice!

We opened our presents together, my pile seems to be getting smaller every year.

Matt wasn't really interested. Once he'd opened his first present he sat there ans played with that. The missus and myself opened the rest, saying things like; "Wow! Look at this Matthew!" But he continued to ignore us and play with his new cars instead!

We got dressed and headed over to my mum's for breakfast. Bacon sandwiches all round! I don't mean that the sandwiches were round, I mean everyone had one.

We dropped mum at her friends house and came home.

The missus had said she was doing christmas dinner for once, so I put Matt down for his nap and chilled until my brother, his missus and my dad turned up. We were supposed to be joined by my mother and father-in-law. Unfortunately my father-in-law was unwell and they didn't make it.

The food and drink flowed into the evning and our guests departed around 7:30 pm. The rest of the night was spent chilling in front of the T.V.

On Boxing day, we headed to London to see the in-laws who'd not made it for dinner. Again, more drink and food flowed.

The missus was at work all day on Sunday so it was just me and Matt. I've never had such a good day with him! He was in top form the whole day. I didn't want to put him to bed!

We relaxed all day Monday. We dropped Matt at my mum's around 5:30pm and came home. The missus caught up with some work and ran around getting shot on Call of Duty 2.

I was back at work yesterday for the first of 5 late shifts. I've got a weeks annual leave (Again? I know!) from Sunday.

So, like I said; Christmas = OFFICIALLY OVER!

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