Wednesday 27 January 2010

Thick Brown Nasty Mucus And Snot

On Sunday last week I caught a cold.
It wasn't a nasty cold, just a plain old cold.
I was feeling better by Friday night, then the trouble started.
I woke up on Saturday morning and couldn't breathe through my nose and my whole face ached.
It was difficult to blow my nose and the snot I produced was very thick and almost brown in colour. (I hope you've already eaten!)
I was also coughing up thick mucus too.
At first I thought my cold had flared back up, but I had none of the other symptoms.
A quick check on NHS Direct suggests I have sinusitis, which can take up to a month to clear.
I seriously hope it doesn't last that long in my case.


Dan said...

That is my disease - the one I ALWAYS bloody end up with. Get to the GP, he can give you antibiotics and if it's nasty, even a nose spray to help fight the yuck. It can linger for a good while if untreated too.

Get well soon ;)

Shiny Demon said...

I've been using Oltravine which seems to work. Unless it's chronic sinusitis, the Dr's won't prescribe antibiotics till a month has passed.