Thursday, 4 November 2010

The Final Countdown

We're into our final week as a one child family. Baby Daisy will be with us sooner than seems possible.
Next Thursday, 11/11/2010, at 11:00am the missus will have labour induced. Whether or not Daisy will make an appearance that day is another matter!
It's not been an easy pregnancy for the old girl either. She's had to go on a diet due to Gestational Diabetes. If that wasn't enough, she developed a pregnancy related rash on her face and neck. Add into the mix my stupidity, general ignorance and D.I.Y related rages and you can see the amount of shit she's had to deal with.
It seems like only yesterday that I posted this and now we're in the final countdown.


Barry Hensey said...

Ah, I'm excited for both of you!

Good luck!

Eileen H said...

Hoping Daisy makes a quick and stress free appearance.

Will be thinking about you at 11 on the 11th of the 11th!

Shiny Demon said...

Thank you.
I have to confess that I was fine up until yesterday.
Nerves starting to get the better of me now.