Thursday 1 May 2008

Legal Notes For Men

On the following list are legal requirements for men.
In no particular order;

1; Take staircases two steps at a time.
2; Promise to do something later.
3; Pick your nose at traffic lights.
4; Don't do the thing that you promised to do later.
5; Change the car radio station over whenever your missus says; "Ooh, I like this song."
6; Refuse to ask for directions, no matter how lost you (or the Tom-Tom) seem to be.
7; Answer "Yes" to a question asked by the missus, even though you paid no attention to what she asked because the footy is on.
8; Kick the tyres of your new car so it looks as if you've got some sort mechanical knowledge, to the person you're buying it from.
9; Realise that the question the missus asked you during the footy was about the thing you promised to do, but didn't. And still don't do it.

Feel free to add your own.

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