Wednesday 27 December 2006

It's Over

Well, I guess christmas is over. I'm quite glad in a way. Yes it's nice to be surrounded by family but you can't beat a bit of slobbing around on your own.
On the down side, my dad went home to london this afternoon so the place seems a bit empty without him. Mind you, it should mean that my beer supplies last a bit longer! If you're reading this dad, come back soon!!
Thoughts turn to the new year and resolutions. I guess I could drink less, eat less and exercise, but that's my intention every year and I'm getting bored of it. If any of my thousands of readers have any ideas then leave a comment.
By the way, thanks for the cards and presents.
Except Gina, who didn't get me a Nintendo Wii!


Anonymous said...

Once again try to forgive me xxxxxxxx

Shiny Demon said...

I forgive you, this time.