Friday 29 December 2006

Supermarket Row

So I was in Tescos right and I see an empty checkout. Obviously I make a beeline for said checkout and start unloading the trolly. A moment later......
Her; Excuse me, I saw that till first.
Me; Sorry?
Her; I said I saw that till first.
Me; How do you know you saw it before me?
Her; Because I do.
Me; I'm sorry but I got here first, it's not like I saw you and ran to it.
Her; I saw it first, I want to be served first.
Me; So far as I know Tescos haven't started till reservations so you'll have to wait your turn.
Her; I think you're very rude!
Me; I think you're being silly.
Her; How dare you!
Me; Whatever love, I've only got a few bits.
Her; So why don't you wait?
Me; Wait for what?
Her; For me to be served!
Me; Just what is your problem?
Her; You!
Me; I can't be done with this, just wait your turn.
So I get served and I'm ready to leave......
Her; Thanks for nothing.
Me; Fuck off!


Anonymous said...

I think you were well within your rights love, what a stupid woman! It probably took her longer to argue with you than get through the queue! Love ya xxxx

Station Supervisor said...

I think Tesco should have made you go to the back of the longest queue in the store.

My god you sound just like a booking clerk.

Station Supervisor said...

Oh and thanks for your Christmas card.