Saturday 19 May 2007


It's the FA Cup Final between Mank U and Chelshit today.
I hate both of these teams with a vengeance, so who would I prefer to win?
It's a difficult choice.
I went for Utd to win the league just to wipe the smug smile off of Fat Lampards face and wouldn't mind seeing it again. I'd also like nothing more than to see that money grabbing cunt Cashley Cole ending the season trophy-less. He didn't get on the field during the Carling Cup and so can't really say he "won it".
But, do I want those tossers from the north to win? Not in this life!
The thought of that little winker/wanker (you decide which is better) wRongaldo with his cheesy grin is also too much to bear.
So, in summary; If Utd are winning I'll cheer on Chelsea and if Chelsea are winning I'll cheer on Utd.
And, if it goes to penalties, I'll turn me Liza Minelli off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Strong words from somebody who has not stepped foot inside a football ground in the last ten years!

Oh I forgot, apart from that time in the ECL when you were sitting in the Matthew Harding spporting CHELSHIT!!

2007/08 - Yer Gonners are gonna win fuck all!!!