Saturday 26 May 2007

Thank Fuck For That

I have a large mole on my chest. It's always been there, forever.
But, in the last few months it's been really itchy, mis-coloured and has actually bled occasionally. Quite disturbing I'm sure you will agree.
So, today I went to the doctors, and, despite having a 4:30 appointment I finally got seen at, as near as makes no difference to, 5:00.
The doctor said she could see nothing abnormal about it (hence the title of this entry!). But she did say that as it's an irritant it should be removed.
As I said, I've always had this mole, I'm not sure I want it removed. It's part of me isn't it?


The Sween! said...

Yes it is - have you got a name for it?

I considered getting my mole on my eyebrow removed when I was younger but if it does continue to do what you said, I would!

Anonymous said...

I think you should get a second opinion - unless it's making little hills then it's probably sick or depressed. Remember they've got very poor eyesight so you should be able to get quite a close look without frightening it.