Tuesday 25 March 2008

Little Cow

My niece Emily is getting far too clever.
This weekend she stayed with my brother and told him that her tooth fell out during the week. My brother asked if the Tooth Fairy visited her but she replied "No, my mummy says the Tooth Fairy doesn't come to her house."
My brother and his missus thought this was a bit unfair of Emily's mother and both slipped a quid under Em's pillow while she slept.
The next morning they were pleased to see Emily smiling very broadly and only then noticed that no teeth actually appeared to be missing.
On further inspection this was indeed the case, my niece had pulled a fast one.
When asked why she'd lied she said "I just wanted the money."
She's only five.
Mind you, this could say something for our kid's intelligence as he failed to check before giving her the money.
If you're reading this Paul, my leg fell off this morning. That's gotta be worth a monkey!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why wouldnt I believe my darling little angel when she says her tooth has fallen out especially as she is so sweet and innocent and basically the little minx is grounded till shes 30 with no hope of parole or pocket money the lying little cherub. She gets that bit from her witch of a mother