Tuesday 20 November 2007

Tuesday 20th November 2007

01:00- Fell into bed after my seventh and final late shift.
05:45- Woken up by an alarm set by the missus.
06:30- It's clear that sleep is refusing to overcome me again so I get up.
07:30- Watch a film.
09:30- Phone call from British Gas "I'll be there in about thirty minutes"
09:50- British Gas man arrives. He's american, my least favourite race of people. He won't shut up, I'm not even in the same room but he's talking to himself. Power switched off.
13:45- British Gas man leaves. I still can't go anywhere, waiting for deliveries and another gas man. At least the power is back on.
14:50- Ikea delivery. Still can't go anywhere, waiting for a UPS delivery and another gas man.
15:25- Another British Gas man comes to put a new seal on the meter to make sure that we can't fiddle them. It's ironic really, 'cos they've been fiddling us for years! Still can't go anywhere, waiting for a UPS delivery.
17:10- UPS delivery.
17:20- Tesco's.
17:55- Start cooking dinner for my dad and myself. Toad in the hole.
18:45- Eat dinner.
19:05- Take the car to the station for the missus.
19:20- Finally have time to myself and I'm completely shattered.
*All times are approximate.


Anonymous said...

Please dont tell me you get deliveries from Tescos???

Answer this or I will badger you cos you normally ignore my posts unless I am in complete agreement with you.

Shiny Demon said...

No old chap, I went to Tescos.