Sunday 25 November 2007

Work Sundays Can Fuck Off

I hate working on sundays.
I wish they'd just fuck off.
Fuck off.
Fuck off.
Fuck off.
Fuc.......................................................................................................................................................................k off.


Anonymous said...

At Least you don't do 12 hour Sundays - or do you ?

Why not bring in a good book, DVD film, the new version of the rule book?

You can then pretend that it's foreign language day, so pretend to be Serbo-Croat for the day?

Impress your Supervisors by asking them to repeat EVERY radio message AND then say you can't understand the PA's going out, can they re-record them.

All good fun for a Sunday.

....and on that bombshell....

Shiny Demon said...

I think you're as mental as me mate!