Monday 14 July 2008

Forward This E-Mail Or.........

You know the ones, "Forward this e-mail or; you'll never have sex, you'll have bad / good luck, your teeth will fall out, someone will rape your cat, we'll come around to your house and inject you with ebola." O.k, I made the last three up, but you get my point.
Whoever writes these things (I suspect a greasy, spotty, teenage, friendless, self abusing yank) is a complete spaz. And anyone who actually forwards them is just as bad.
Do they really believe that my refusal to forward a shitty e-mail will result in some terrible voodoo being sent my way?
And, if I do forward it, are they so sure that my sex life will increase ten-fold?
Grow up or fuck off and die.
Forward this blog entry or you will be killed to death by rabid chickens on acid.

1 comment:

Station Supervisor said...

If you don't forward this comment I will force you to become an Arsenal supporter as I am that cruel