Sunday 27 January 2008

Paul Got Fingered

While my brother was waiting to have his appendix removed, the doctor decided to do a rectal examination. After he had, erm, assumed the position the doctor, erm, inserted herself into him. Below is how my brother described the conversation with the doctor.

"Are you ready?"
"(Reluctantly) Yes."
"O.K (inserts finger). Does that feel normal?"
"I can't really say, I've never had a finger up there before."
"Do you feel any pain or dis-comfort?"
"It's not painful but I do feel un-comfortable with a finger up my arse!"

I love him so much!
But, I have no doubt he will try to kill me after seeing that I've blogged this!

1 comment:

Dan said...

I was 14 when this happened to me, and I was I was in so much agony, I didn't hear what the doc said - and when he asked "do you understand" I just nodded.

14 years old, and a finger stuck up my bum without warning. I still feel violated to this day.