Thursday 31 January 2008

Typical Workplace Conversation

Three Australian women come to my window.

"Hi, we'd like three tickets for the whole day please."
"No probs, where will you be travelling today?"
They consult for what feels like half of my shift.
"Oh, just London."
"O.K, London's a big city. If you could be a bit more specific, I may be able to save you some money."
They consult for what seems like the rest of my shift.
"Just inner London, zones 1&2 should be great."
"O.K, that'll be £15.90 please."
"No worries. How much is this note?"
"That's £5, you'll need more than that I'm afraid"
"Oh, sorry. Our money's different back home. How much is this note?"
"That's £10, again you'll need more."
"Right, gosh the money's so different here. What's this one?"
"That's a £20 note. That will cover it."
The transaction takes place and they get their change.
"Wow, it's so complicated with English money because it's different to ours."
"I know. And the fact we share the same language and numbers doesn't help either."

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