Friday, 4 January 2008

Where's The Snow?

After recent forcasts and speculation by various people, I was expecting to wake up this morning to 10 feet of snow.
"We're in for some snow tonight."
"It's gonna snow today."
They all said.
So, when my alarm clock woke me up to the tune of "Hey Jude", I was so excited (who doesn't love snow?). The first thing I did was look out of the window.
Not a thing!
Not even a layer of frost.
There'd better be snow on the ground tomorrow or someone's in for a beating.

1 comment:

Dan said...

I even had the old codger in the pharmacy telling me he was sure it was going to be a deep snowfall over night because of his gammy leg.

If a gammy leg is wrong, what is the world coming to!