Friday 23 March 2007

The Joys Of Shift Work

After getting up early for 8 days in a row, you would think I'm desperate for a lie in. And, you'd be right, I was.
But, around 6:15 I was awake. Tried desperately to nod back off but no luck. So as not to be the only one awake I accidently, on purpose, woke the missus up around 7:30.
After an hour of sitting around I was overwhelmingly tired again, so at 8:30 I plodded off to bed for another "hours" kip.
12:00 someone knocks on the door, wakes me up. I felt like I could have slept for another couple of hours but I get up anyway.
How shift work fucks you up eh?
I've just had "brunch" which consisted of bacon, sausage, black pudding, eggs, beans a fried slice and a regular slice.

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