Saturday 17 March 2007

Typical Workplace Conversation

A conversation between myself and a customer;
"What station do I need for Baker Street?"
"Baker Street"
"Yes, Baker Street"
"Yes, what?"
"What station do I need for Baker Street?"
"Baker Street"
"Oh , forget it. I'll ask someone else!"
I have to deal with this sort of cuntitude on a daily basis you know.


Anonymous said...

The customer is *always* right! ;)

Station Supervisor said...

I was asked the other day "What train do I need for Great Portland Street"?

I replied "Well as your standing on the platform of Great Portland Street, none"

The Sween! said...

Had that on a help poing the other day!

"How do I get to Stratford?"
"You ARE at Stratford"
"What train?"

Ended call before I went out & lamped him for being idiotic!